Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Angered by Men

Just the way I deal with anger.... Pen & Paper....;)
Angered by Men

From deep with-in the rage rushes to the surface.
Face hardens, fists fold ever so tight.
I have to keep my calm, why I am angry?

Thoughts parading through out my mind
Bitter, slimy, ugly, ones, that
Would bring harm and pain to any man,
That’s when I cry out to my God
asking him for strength.

Bless me, for I am angered by
Men, who want no good for me.
Give me the strength to be the man
That I know I am. Help me maintain and refrain from
My unkind thoughts.
By: Shabaka K Mathlin
taking in the KIlla, Kartel, Ryno, Movado, and Busy!

JEREMY, Gone but not forgotten!

JEREMY, Gone but not forgotten!
                                            (No just my Cousin, but my Best Friend)                   

Tick, tick, tick, time passes by and so does life. If we are lucky enough, we get to die before our loved ones. That way we don’t only leave pain and stress behind but memories of happy moments which we created with Family and Friends! Death becomes us in this life, but the legacy of the Man we were, starts life anew in the beyond and so we will always live on! Jeremy will always live on! For he is a Star light, ever Bright, looking down on us all day, all night. Smiling his smile, only the way he can, for he knows his memories are embedded in the Hearts, Minds and Souls of us all. Jeremy LIVES on!!!!                                                                                           
                                                                                                            By: Shabaka K Mathlin

Jeremy Hotskull Modeste

Can't keep a good man down!

Dedicated to all my people out there struggling... Askel #3. One love Brother!
Can't keep a good man down!

I fell flat on my face. What an embarrassment, what a disgrace.
All people did was laugh, make hypocritical gossip and slander.
Trying to keep me where I fell, no one offered a helping hand.

Instantly the meaning of my name prevailed.
Warrior, might I say!
Fighting with all my pride, I’ve recaptured my levels once attained.

Even if death becomes me, no one will ever suppress me again,
For I promise to smile every single time they want to see me frown.
“Why?” because they just can’t keep a good man down.

By: Shabaka Mathlin
A foundation is Key!!! The Islands Representation.... Askel Rush (What a team!)
Who ever knew kicking a ball would take me this far .... Nuff respect goes out to Coaches Rohan, Danny and Harry... Big Up!!

Mother, Mother

Mother, Mother :)

Mother, Mother, I’ve heard your cries
Was too young to understand them but
Still I tried.
Numerous nights you went sleepless due
To immense stress, yet still you LOVED,

Mother, Mother, I’ve seen your smiles.
It amazed me and made my young spirit rise.
SMILES replaced CRIES and this is no lie,
You still LOVE, KISS and CARESS!

Mother, you are my idol and with your strength
I was blessed. As I grow I understand and know,
More and more MOTHER, that you are the BEST!

                   By: Shabaka K Mathlin